Accelerating your transition to a low carbon future


Engeco is a Singapore based consulting company, set up in 2017, that specialises in climate change and sustainability. We help our clients across Australasia analyse how climate change might impact them in the future and develop strategies to minimise their risk exposure and maximise their opportunities. Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world and action to decarbonise the economy may have a profound impact on all players in the economy.

We work along the entire value chain of climate change advisory. This starts with helping clients with their emissions data – direct and indirect emissions – for compliance reporting and also forecasting those emissions into the future; benchmarking against peers and competitors. We analyse the risks that might impact your long-term business strategy as a result of current and future emissions. Both transition risks (those that come from the global transition to a net-zero emissions economy) and physical risks (risks to assets from physical impacts of climate change) are analysed and quantified.

We then use this information to develop a roadmap and strategy to enable business resilience through this transition to a net-zero emissions, circular economy – exploring ways in which companies can set emissions reduction targets, identify and implement opportunities to reduce emissions, purchase offsets, improve disclosure and reduce stakeholder risk.

engeco is proud to be a member of Austcham and is very happy to support the Austcham members in their climate change journeys. To find out more about how we can help you, head to or contact engeco’s Technical Director, Marc Allen at

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